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These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") govern the relationship between Charlie Finance inc., a Canadian accounting and tax firm registered in Quebec, hereinafter referred to as the "Firm," and the clients or users of the Firm's services, hereinafter referred to as the "Client" or "Clients." By engaging the services of the Firm, Clients agree to abide by these Terms. The Terms outlined herein supersede any previous agreements or understandings, whether written or oral, between the parties.


2.1 Scope of Services: The Firm will provide accounting and tax services as outlined in the engagement letter, proposal, or other written agreements signed by both parties. Any changes or additional services will be agreed upon in writing.

2.2 Client Obligations: Clients must provide all necessary information, documentation, and cooperation required for the Firm to perform its services effectively. Failure to do so may result in delays and additional fees.


3.1 Fee Structure: Fees for services will be determined based on the engagement letter or proposal provided by the Firm. Clients agree to pay all fees, as specified in the agreed-upon terms.

3.2 Payment Terms: Invoices must be paid in full prior to the Firm releasing tax returns, other official statements, or reports to the Client. In the case of any ongoing services, such as tax planning, payment must be made according to the terms specified in the engagement letter or proposal. Late payments may incur interest charges at a rate of 3% per month.


Both the Firm and the Client agree to maintain the confidentiality of all information exchanged during the course of their engagement. This includes, but is not limited to, financial records, tax information, and any sensitive business information.5. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWSThe Firm will perform its services in accordance with applicable Canadian laws and regulations. Clients are responsible for complying with all relevant tax and financial regulations.


6.1 Limitation of Liability: The Firm will exercise due care and diligence in providing services. However, the Firm's liability for any errors or omissions in its services shall be limited to the fees paid by the Client for those services.

6.2 Client's Financial Information: The Firm is not responsible for errors, inaccuracies, or fraudulent information provided by the Client. The Client acknowledges that they are solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the financial information and documentation they provide to the Firm.

6.3 Indemnification: Clients agree to indemnify and hold the Firm harmless from any claims, losses, or liabilities arising from errors, inaccuracies, or fraud in the financial information provided by the Client, including but not limited to misrepresentations of financial information. The Firm will not be liable for any damages or losses resulting from such inaccuracies or fraudulent information.


Either party may terminate the engagement by providing written notice to the other party. The Client will be responsible for any fees and expenses incurred up to the date of termination.


These Terms and Conditions may be amended by the Firm at its discretion. Clients will be provided with notice of any changes, and continued engagement with the Firm will constitute acceptance of the updated Terms.


These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the Province of Quebec, Canada. Any disputes arising from or relating to these Terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Quebec.


These Terms and Conditions represent the entire agreement between the Firm and the Client and supersede all prior discussions, representations, and agreements, whether written or oral. By engaging the services of the Firm, Clients acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please contact the Firm before proceeding.

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